Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25: Icicles in the Snow

Eating icicles is one of the wonderful things intrinsic to childhood. :)

Photo details: Canon EOS Rebel T2i, Exposure time 1/180 sec, Aperture f/5.6, ISO 100 Focal Length 45 mm

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 24: Red Berries

After a (long) hiatus, I have decided to pick up this blog again. I very conveniently stopped at day 23 before, and today being the 24th day of the year, it will help me to keep on track. I have a very awesome new camera, which is a bit of an upgrade from my old one, and I have much I'd like to learn about photography.
New England has been getting hit hard with snowstorms this year, and I decided to head out to the woods and get some pictures. I took a bunch, but I think this one is my favorite. :)

Photo details: Canon EOS Rebel T2i, Exposure time 1/100 sec, Aperture f/5.6, ISO 100 Focal Length 44.0 mm

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 23: Guess...?

Today will be the first in my "guess what this is a picture of?" series. I had a different picture for today, but liked this one better. Any guesses as to what it is? ^_^

Day 22: Stone Wall

This lovely stone wall is next to the driveway at work. I love the moss growing on it, and the flowers along the top of the wall. I've taken a picture from this perspective before with pleasing results, and decided to try it again for today's picture.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 21: Thunderstorm

We had a thunderstorm, today. I love thunderstorms. :D I was trying to get a picture that showed the raindrops, but it was too dark outside for that to come out effectively. I do love the way everything looks during a storm, though. All dark and wet. Lovely. ^_^

Day 20: Pandas at the Beach

I decided to see what random item in my room I could find to photograph. This miniature diorama on my wall seemed fun. It makes me smile. :)

Day 19: Grill Master

We had a bunch of people together for our Memorial Day picnic. Lots of people need lots of food, and Jake was designated the official griller. He did a pretty good job, considering all he had to keep an eye on.

Day 18: Throg's Neck

On our way into NYC, we had to cross the Throg's Neck Bridge. It was very cool. And the name makes me laugh. ^_^

Day 17: CD Binders

At the North Carolina Home Education conference this past weekend, we worked selling CD's of the sessions. In our spare time, we had a bit of fun with the CD binders. :D

Day 16: Success!

I'm so proud of my little brother. Graduated with an Associates Degree and off to another few years of college! This one is a bit overexposed, but I really like the way it turned out, anyway.

Day 15: Sittin' in the sun

Sinead's hair is just long enough for a hair clip, so I found one that matched her outfit, today. Unfortunately, the white pants were very unpractical for outside, and bleach was in order by the time we went back in for the day.

Day 14: Cupcakes

I was going for a reflective touch, today, so I took a picture of these cupcakes sitting on the glass table, with the sun casting a shadow from behind. Then I ate one. :D

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 13: Make Way For Ducklings

Some friends of mine have several animals, and recently had several babies born. A litter of kittens, 3 new baby bunnies, and several ducklings. I took several pictures of all of them, but decided I liked this one best. There is no pond nearby, so some of the kids dug out this small river-way in a corner of the garden and let the ducklings swim around in it. They love it. :D

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 12: Sunday's comin'

A beautiful day outside, today and I decided to take an indoor picture. :P Days like today make it hard to choose between pictures. I had several good ones, and perhaps you could argue that this one could wait for another day, but I really liked the way it turned out, so here it shall stay. :P

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 11: Green Balloon

Went out to dinner tonight with my brother, who is leaving next week for awhile. We both decided to act as little kids again, and get a balloon. He got a blue one, and I got a green. Our favorite colors. ^_^

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 10: Wishing

So, after a brief hiatus due to my camera being stolen, and having to get a new one.... I have once again taken up my photo blog.
Today was a beautiful day out, so outside we went! Aislinn loves to blow the dandelion puffs and make wishes. :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 9: Chicago

On my way to spend a weekend in Wichita with friends, I flew through the Chicago O'Hare Airport. A magnificent view of downtown Chicago was visible out my window. Pictures taken out of airplane windows are never the greatest, but this one turned out decent enough.

Day 8: Almost Summer

This little sundress was hanging in Aislinn's room today, where she had put it in hopes of dressing Sinead in it. The weather hasn't warmed up quite enough, yet, but she left it there so it would be ready as soon as a warm day arrived.

Day 7: Sleeping Beauty

Sinead is so beautiful (I may be a bit biased) and when she sleeps she looks so very peaceful, that I decided to capture it for my photo today. :)

Day 6: Pretzel Letters

I was demonstrating to the kids today how you can make the entire alphabet out of pretzels. To prove my point, I made each one of their names out of pretzels. Besides being quite full when I was done, (some of the letters take more tries than others >_<) I thought they looked rather cool, so I used them as my photo today. The lighting was hard to get right, since I was trying to get it right in Manual mode, instead of Auto.